Failure Sharing

Bootup your energy with sharing failure.


Learning Robot Framework : Data Driven Testing

Read Data from Excel (openpyxl) import openpyxl workbook = openpyxl.load_workbook("./TestKeyword.xlsx") def fetch_number_of_rows(sheetname): sheet = workbook[sheetname] return sheet.max_row def fetch_cell_data(sheetname, rownum, cellnum): …

Learning Robot Framework : Test Case Recording

Install chrome plugin : robot corder It seems similar with Selenium IDE. Behavior check Record ============================================================================== Testcases =====================================…

Learning Robot Framework : Write Test in BDD Format

Given-When-Then Given : Prerequisite When : Check this part Then : Confirm the result

Learning Robot Framework : Work on Json

Learning Robot Framework : Work on Excel File

Prerequisite pip install openpyxl How to use the lib import openpyxl # Load workbook workbook = openpyxl.load_workbook("testdata.xlsx") print(workbook.sheetnames) print("Active sheet= " + sheet = workbook['Sheet1'] p…

Learning Robot Framework : User Defined Keywords with Python

Without argument and return value Flow to load Robot file -> Resource File -> Python Script python import os def create_folder() : os.mkdir("test") print(str(os.path)) def create_sub_folder() : os.mkdir("test/test_sub") Resource file Creat…

Learning Robot Framework : Tags and Control Execution using Tags

Tags Tags at test case level Second Tag Test [Tags] Smoke Sanity Setup Tests Teardown Tests -> Able to run tests filtering with the tags. robot -i {tagname} {testsuite} Default Tags *** Settings *** Library SeleniumLibrary Defau…

Learning Robot Framework : Setup and Teardown etc.

Set up and Teardown Teardown Behavior Check [Setup] Setup Start Browser and Maximize // keyword [Teardown] Teardown Close Browser Window This can be adapted at the suite level *** Settings *** Library SeleniumLibrary Test Timeout 30s Test …

Learning Robot Framework : Create Resource Files

Create new user defined keywords using resource Of course, we can create the keyword using python script but also create it with standard keywords Keyword *** Settings *** Library SeleniumLibrary *** Variables *** ${URL} https://www.rakute…

Learning Robot Framework : Basic Usage

Basic syntax on Robot file Selenium Speed / Timeout / Implicit Wait Set Selenium Speed 1 seconds Can set the speed like this but when we use this function? just when we show it as demo? Selenium Timeout Imp…

Learning Robot Framework : Introduction

Robot framework Advantages Install Robot Framework Framework Selenium library Browser driver Create test case Run the tests Github Robot framework Generic test automation framework for acceptance testing Keyword Driven (standard, user defi…